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Standardized Construction Process for Lifting Columns

For traffic management, it has always been an urgent issue that needs to be addressed in today's society. Rising bollards, as a device to prevent vehicles from intruding, have been widely used in this context. Of course, for such a professional product, we need to install it properly to avoid compromising its effectiveness in later use. Let's learn about it with Xiong Chang.

Step 1: Clearly define the specific installation location of the rising bollards and refer to the installation design scheme and construction drawings.

Use effective design schemes and accurate measurements to determine the specific installation location of the rising bollards. Ensure that there are no elements such as underground cables, natural gas pipelines, and underground channels that hinder the construction below the specific installation location. This will allow the rising bollards to fully perform their function in the relative usage area.

Step 2: Excavate the pit for the rising bollards.

Use excavators and jackhammers to destroy the existing ground within the slot range (if the original ground is floor tiles or steps, try to avoid damaging the original material and excavate it as a whole). Use picks, shovels, and excavators to dig below the road surface to a depth of 1.4 meters.

Step 3: Install the water-permeable layer for the rising bollards.

Place a 300mm layer of stones at the bottom of the foundation pit as a drainage water-permeable layer and constantly tamp it down.

Step 4: Position the rising bollard equipment.

Place the equipment of the driveway security bollards on the water-permeable layer of the pit, ensuring that the center of the bollard head is on a horizontal line, and all sides are level. Use a spirit level or laser level to level it. The surface of the outer cylinder is usually slightly higher than the ground surface by 3-5mm. Fill in 150-200mm deep stones to fix the bollard head.

Step 5: Fix the pipeline of the rising bollards.

Use galvanized steel pipes or PVC pipes, elbows, and tees to connect the wires of each bollard to the reserved distribution well. Reinforce the cables for easy inspection of the equipment in the later stage. Bind the wire conduit with wire or transparent tape to fix the conduit and prevent it from being broken when filling with concrete.

Step 6: Test the rising bollard equipment.

Connect the automatic driveway bollard equipment to the power circuit and perform actual operation tests of lowering and rising. Observe the specific situation of the equipment during lowering and rising, adjust the lifting height of the equipment, and check if there is any oil leakage.

Step 7: Pour concrete for the rising bollards.

Pour C30 concrete evenly around the equipment, maintain the facilities to prevent concrete from entering the equipment. Use a vibrating rod to vibrate the concrete to reduce gaps, and after 5 hours, do troweling to smooth the surface. If there are specific changes in the position during pouring, immediately stop, adjust, and then resume construction for the second pouring. After 24 hours of the second pouring, the equipment can be tested but not opened to traffic.

Step 8: Maintenance of the road surface for the rising bollards.

The maintenance period is about 7 days. If all normal motor vehicles need to pass during the maintenance period, thick steel plates should be paved above the automatic driveway bollard equipment to ensure smooth road conditions.

Step 9: Acceptance and training for the rising bollards.

After the completion of the project acceptance, relevant materials such as user manuals and maintenance manuals are handed over, and systematic training is conducted for designated personnel to ensure the normal use of the rising bollards in the later period.

Above is a standard construction process for rising bollards. In order to ensure that the rising bollards can function effectively, all these steps are indispensable. We hope this can be helpful to everyone. For more industry information, please follow our Xiongchang Hardware.

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