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What Are Tactile Indicators?

What are tactile indicators? Tactile ground indicators are used to help the blind and visually impaired people orient and remind some pending hazards or obstacles. Visually impaired people can detect TGSI tactiles through the luminous contrast of the surrounding ground substrates and the sensory detection of the sole. Many people are blind or visually impaired, and more people's visual efficiency is reduced. People over the age of 65 are the best fit for this category. With the continuous growth of the population over 65 years old, the number of visually impaired people will grow higher in the future.

Type of Tactile Ground Indicators:
TGSI consists of two types: warning TGSI  and directional TGSI. The most common materials of TGSI include stainless steel, brass, plastic, ceramics, and concrete. Both directional and discrete TGSI are made in two different forms: discrete form (individual) and integrated form (cushion).

Warning TGSI:
The warning tactile means that the danger is approaching. Typical hazards include steps stairs, ramps, curb ramps, sublimators, railway/tram platforms, bus stops, ferry terminals, and areas where the direction of TGSI changes. The warning TGSI is a circular dome with a diameter of 35 mm and a height of 4-5 mm.

Directional TGSI:
The directional tactile indicators serve as a guide for safe routes, indicating the direction of the drive. They are usually used for public transport access points and street intersections. The directional TGSI is a long rectangular strip with a diameter of 35 mm, a height of 4-5 mm, and a length of 300 mm in general.

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